What is a stepparent adoption?
If you and your spouse or domestic partner have one of California’s many blended families, you may have thought about adopting each other’s children so as to make the parent-child relationships legal as well as factual. The State of California is ready and willing to help you achieve your dream of stepparent adoption by making […]
The vicious cycle of child support plans in america
Many Californians are aware of the stigma attached to one’s failure to pay child support. However, those experiencing issues with regular payments know the severity of the situation; after all, a child’s entire wellbeing could be placed on the line with only a few missed monthly payments. Despite the seriousness of this issue, there are […]
When past due payments become a misdemeanor
No matter what type of expense may arise, financial support in a child custody arrangement can be crucial. California parents who are experiencing difficulties in receiving the proper amount of payments – or support altogether – have valid concerns for their children. Timely payments may not seem a major aspect of a child support process, […]
Three reasons to get a prenuptial agreement
Divorce is at an all-time high in the United States, and couples are increasingly choosing to tie the knot later on in life—after they’ve accumulated property of some value. With these trends in mind, many couples are treating their nuptials more like a business partnership—with a practical understanding that the relationship may not last forever. […]